One of the biggest fears for any business is unscheduled downtime and everything standing still from one day to another – leading to not only frustration but possibly also to a big hole in the company’s finances.
But what’s even worse than the downtime itself is finding out later that it could have been prevented. Two of the most common reasons for unscheduled downtime are issues resulting from aging equipment and unexpected mechanical failures – two events that don’t necessarily have to lead to a downtime – provided that you have a working maintenance management system in place.
If that’s not the case, it’s about time you invest in maintenance management software. We developed a full service solution including software, hardware and implementation for you. But before we will tell you more about that, let’s cover the basics: What is maintenance management, why is it important for your business and how can it help you step up to a new level of efficiency? Read on to find out more!
What Is Maintenance Management?
To start out, let’s have a closer look at what maintenance management actually is.
If you want to work efficiently in any work environment, you need to be able to predict potential issues in your equipment and schedule regular maintenance tasks to eliminate those issues. Maintenance management is the whole process of controlling maintenance resources and activities that are required to ensure that all essential equipment is functioning properly and, if that’s not the case, is repaired as soon as possible.
The main goal of maintenance management is to assure steady and efficient operation to significantly decrease the risk of unscheduled downtime.
Maintenance Management Software – How it Helps You to Increase Your Efficiency
A maintenance management software can help you keep track of all your maintenance tasks.

Simple example: Let’s say you are running a printing house. Your equipment consists of printers of all kinds. A maintenance management system will collect data on which parts of the printers are experiencing the most stress and use this information to predict when those parts need to be replaced shortly before they are defective. This way mechanical failures will be reduced and at best the lifespan of your equipment will be expanded.
5 Benefits of Maintenance Management Software
- Valuable insights – Gain valuable insights to real-time status of your machines and production performance to make better and information-based decisions. The collected data will automatically be translated into intuitive charts and tables that can be used to optimize your workflows.
- Safe workplace – Regular preventive maintenance routines will lower defective-rates and at the same time lead to a safer work environment. Hazards can easily be detected as information gathered by human senses is enhanced. Defects can be highlighted to be recognized and teams can be directed to exact locations for repairs.
- Simplification & efficiency – All maintenance checklists are provided on your device so you always have all the information you need at hand. Areas of your routine that lack efficiency can easily be identified and restructured to decrease downtime.
- Cost reduction – The simplification of tasks and routes, leading inspectors from one point to another and showing them a list of tasks to complete is perfect for less experienced technicians, thereby making your on-boarding process more efficient and faster than ever; all of this while reducing training costs as no supervisor is required on-site. With standardized maintenance workflows that can easily be carried out by your employees you will not only save money but time as well.
- Easy onboarding – Onboarding new employees only takes a few minutes so you will always be able to react quickly to HR changes.

Step Up to A New Level And Try Our Maintenance Management System Insider Workforce 4.0
After many years of industry experience we know that our clients do not only need excellent software solutions but also an experienced partner to guide them through the process of implementing a new software or even cover the implementation for them.
This is why we specialized in providing a full-service solution. Insider Workforce 4.0 is our AR-based maintenance management system that focuses on your employees. It covers everything you need – from maintenance, asset tracking to defect management – to keep your employees safe and productive.
It doesn’t only include the software but also AR-based devices and the implementation for you! Our partners are distributed all over the world, enabling us to implement the entire technical infrastructure for you – on-site!
Our solution can be integrated with any existing system or run standalone. The setup and implementation is fast and easy. It works both online (cloud) or offline (on premise). You can also integrate our various capabilities on top of your existing ERP solution (SAP, Oracle, IBM, etc.), keeping the comfort of your current system with all of the advantages of ours.
Interested In Seeing Our Maintenance Management Solution In Action?
We help you get the best results possible. Schedule an appointment or reach out using our contact form to get your free personal live demo now and see what Insider Workforce 4.0 is capable of!